Secret Key Starting Treatments Essence [Rose Edition]

Produk skin care asal korea memang sudah banyak beredar di Indonesia. Begitu pula dengan tahapan skin care yang dilakukan orang Korea untuk memiliki kulit yang kenyal seperti mochi. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan essence dalam rangkaian skin care routine mereka. Secara umum essence berfungsi untuk mempersiapkan kulit agar mampu menyerap skin care yang akan digunakan setelahnya.

Sebagai negara yang terkenal menjadi No. 1 Skin Care di dunia, produknya tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Salah satunya adalah Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence (STE) Rose Edition. What is your first impression?

Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence Rose Edition

Keunggulan Secret Key STE Rose Edition mengandung 94% Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate (GFF) sebagai bahan baku utamanya. Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate adalah ekstrak fermentasi ragi yang memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kulit. Secret Key STE Rose Edition mengandung Rosa Centifolia Flower Water yang membantu melembabkan dan mencerahkan kulit.

Secret Key STE Rose Edition juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan penyerapan kulit, mengontrol produksi sebum, mengurangi jerawat, dan meningkatkan elastisitas kulit. Hal tersebut tidak terlepas dari bahan-bahan yag terkandung di dalamnya. Selain Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate dan Rosa Centifolia Flower Water, Secret Key STE Rose Edition mengandung Dipropylene Gycol, Niacinamide, Glycerin, Citrus Grandis, Seed extract, Perilla Ocymoides Leaf Extract, dan Adenosine. Selain itu Secret Key STE Rose Edition memiliki 10 best effects dan 10 free system. Wanna try?

Kemasan dan Tekstur
Secret key STE Rose Edition 150 ml tampil cantik dengan botol kaca tinggi berbahan doff dengan sentuhan gold emboss mawar yang berkilau. Rasanya bakal awet karena isinya lumayan banyak. Aku suka banget karena packagingnya ini perpaduan warna putih dan rose gold yang elegan. Tutup botolnya pun juga warna rose gold, berbentuk ulir sehingga aman dan tidak mudah tumpah.

Walaupun pada botol tulisannya hangul semua, tapi kemasan kotaknya tertera ingredients dalam bahasa Inggris. Secret key STE Rose Edition berwarna bening dengan teksturnya cair seperti air sehingga cepat menyerap di kulit. Aku juga gak mencium yang menyengat aroma walaupun ini rose edition karena kulitku (agak) sensitif. Benar-benar seperti air biasa.

Cara Pemakaian
Setelah mencuci muka dan memakai toner, gunakan essence untuk mempersiapkan kulit ke tahap yang berikutnya. Gunakan pada pagi dan malam hari dengan rangkaian day and night skin care agar lebih optimal.

Cara pemakaiannya dapat dituang ke kapas dahulu lalu usapkan ke wajah atau langsung dituang ke telapak tangan dan langsung di tepuk-tepuk ke wajah. Aku lebih suka langsung dituang ke telapak tangan supaya gak banyak meresap ke kapas.

Ini adalah essence pertama yang pernah aku coba. Aku baru pakai kira-kira satu minggu. Aku merasa jerawat batu mulai mengempes dan wajah keringku ini jadi lebih lembab. Let's see maybe after a month! (will update soon).

Sekarang kamu bisa mendapatkan produk ini dengan mudah di Sociolla. Nikmati juga Promo pay day discount 30% All Secret Key Produk di Sociolla. Jangan lupa masukan kode voucher SBNLAD3C pada waktu check out ya! Happy shopping!


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First Ever Sunscreen Matte & Fresh

Kesehatan itu hal yang paling penting. Tapi gak cuma kesehatan tubuh yang harus dijaga, tapi juga kesehatan kulit. Apalagi kita tinggal di daerah tropis dan banyak polusi udara, menggunakan sunscreen sangat wajib hukumnya untuk menangkal radikal bebas dan jahatnya sinar UV. Makanya kita butuh sunscreen yang tepat untuk merawat kulit seperti L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh Long UV SPF 50 / PA ++++. 

Ditengah padatnya kesibukan, aku senang sekali bisa datang ke acara Car Free Day bersama L'oreal ParisMinggu lalu, L'oreal Paris mengadakan acara Car Free Day dengan tema #SunnyMate Sunday di FX Sudirman. Aku excited banget karena akan ada olahraga pound fit bersama dan ini pertama kalinya buat aku. Lebih excited lagi karena ternyata pound fit bareng kak Tynna Kanna Mirdad.

Datang sebelum matahari terbit, aku langsung registrasi di booth L'oreal Paris. Kami dapat goodie bag yang berisi handuk, jus, stik untuk pound fit, dan pastinya L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh. Sebelum mulai pound fit, kami gak lupa pakai sunscreen L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh karena matahari mulai menampakkan sinarnya. Bahkan aku udah pakai dari rumah juga lho! Acaranya seru banget dan gak cuma pound fit bareng, tapi juga ada photo booth dan skin check.  

Goodie bagnya bagus banget
Hari Mingguku sungguh produktif
With the prettiest Kak Tynna Kanna Mirdad
Strip photo from the event

L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte and Fresh

Setelah acara pound fit, ada sesi talksow dan Q & A oleh kak Tynna dan kak Beatrix dari L'oreal Paris. Aku sangat menyimak sesi ini karena ada beberapa hal penting yang belum aku ketahui sebelumnya mengenai sunscreen terlebih L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh. 

L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh Long UV SPF 50 / PA ++++ adalah Sunscreen Matte and Fresh pertama lho! Kombinasi yang sempurna dengan perpaduan antara chemical sunscreen dan physical sunscreen. Apa bedanya? Chemical sunscreen menyerap sinar UV menjadi panas dalam tubuh, sedangkan Physical sunscreen menghalangi sinar UV agar tidak menembus kulit. 

Tiga hal keunggulan dan keunikan L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh;
1. Mengandung advance UV Protector yang melindungi kulit dari sinar UV.
2. Mattifying pure clays untuk mengontrol minyak berlebih (Oil Control Formula).
3. Detoxil untuk melindungi kulit dari partikel polusi dan Mexoryl untuk mencegah pigmentasi serta darkspot.

L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh cocok digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit, termasuk kulit berminyak sekalipun! Pemakaian sunscreen gak cuma buat kaum hawa lho, tapi ini skin care wajib untuk semua umat. L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh bisa digunakan untuk siapa saja. Hal penting yang perlu diketahui dan sering salah kaprah adalah sunscreen bukan melindungi kulit agar tetap putih, tapi menjaga kulit dari kerusakan karena sinar matahari. Sunscreen harus dipakai setiap hari di musim hujan sekalipun, karena sehari-hari pasti kita terpapar layar cahaya HP atau komputer.

Kemasan dan Tekstur

Kemasan botol 30 ml L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh berwarna hijau tosca yang sangat menyegarkan mata dengan bentuk pipih yang sangat travel friendly. Sehingga lebih mudah dibawa-bawa apalagi kalau pas lagi traveling, wajib yang harus ada!

Pada kemasannya tertulis SPF 50 / PA ++++, artinya SPF 50 itu melindungi dari sinar UV B yang dapat menyebabkan kanker kulit. Sedangkan PA ++++ (ada empat + nya) itu melindungi dari sinar UV A yang dapat menyebakan penuaan kulit dan bintik hitam. Kebayangkan kalau kita gak pakai sunscreen?

Tektsur L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh seperti lotion berwarna putih, tapi tidak terlalu cair, dan tidak lengket. Pada saat digunakan terasa ringan dan cepat meresap dengan hasil yang matte alias gak berminyak, dan tidak meninggalkan white cast. 

Jadi, jangan lupa pakai sunscreen setiap hari! Efeknya mungkin gak terlihat sekarang, tapi kalau sudah lanjut usia nanti. L'oreal Paris UV Perfect Matte & Fresh tersedia di drugstore dan online store Sociolla lho! Gunakan kode SBNLAD3C saat check out ya!


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Wedding Rustic William & Irene | Adventure Begins

How time flies so fast! It's been a month after our big day. First of all, I wanna say thank you to God, family and friends who help us from the preparation until the Day. It was mixed feeling on the Day when we're heading down the aisle. It's like a dream come true. 
Sometimes I can't still believe that I'm a wife of someone. Haha.

Wedding car by Rusty Project
Till death do us part
Hold my hands forever
The Holy Matrimony was held at GKI Gunung Sahari. We're so happy surrounded by family and friends that made our day become so meaningful. That was a very emotional day for us, but we brought happy tears. The Fifth of January is my Parents' Wedding day too, but they have been together for 34 years this year. We gave a simple gift for them by made a video and sang a song for them. 

Happy Wedding Anniversary too for Papa and Mama

Wedding Concept
Everyone has their wedding dream, their style and their concept. I wanna an intimate wedding with rustic atmosphere. I choose Batavia Marina as my wedding venue since I'm falling in love at the first time when I came to there. They have indoor and outdoor area with vintage decoration, wood floor, and especially the beach and yatch view. Anyway, you can also rent the yatch too! I don't need a huge of decoration because the place are cozy and beautiful.

Can you spot the photo? That's our first photo
Such a romantic view (for me)
All concept made by the groom and bride. Our pantone color for the Wedding Day are navy blue and nude pink, simply because Will love navy blue, and everybody knows that I love pink so much! We didn't use wedding organizer but of course we are helped by bestman; Dika and Mikha, bridesmaid ; Ella and Angel, and my brother from another mother; Ray and Mike. We are so blessed and lucky to have you guys. Thank you so much for put big efforts in our special day. 

Bridesmaid Attire by Michelle Coutures | Bridesmaid Make-Up by Michelle
Will with his bestman
Since many people ask me about vendors, now I will share to you. We are so pleased because most of our vendors are our lovely friends. We contact all vendors by ourselves and follow up all the preparations during our busyness. Yes, Will and I still an office worker, but we set time to discuss this almost every weekend. I don't want to be stressful thinking about it, so we just enjoy all the process.


We are proudly announce that all stationery are made by Will and I. We're very satisfied have made every piece of it for our lovely guest. From the invitation, guest book, money envelope, money box, holy matrimony slide and book, food sticker, chocolate wrap mingle, MC cue card, and souvenir. We used some flowers on the design with clean layout and a touch of rustic color.

Stationery Design.
We're so happy that we printed the name of guest on our invitation because we want to personally and specially invite you! Hihi. Even we are both Graphic Designer, we love simple things. So sorry that we didn't use plastic to wrap the invitation, and sending some invitations via softcopy to reduce plastic. Thank you to my dear bro Raynard Tantra from The Vinci, who support me with beautiful invitation. We love it so much!

We want an unforgettable and useful souvenir. Souvenir specially sketch by Will with two themes; "Adventure Awaits" because I love mountain, and "Island Escape" because Will love beach. We design a shirt and totebag about food and travel, for more info just click this or stay tuned for our first giveaway!

Everyone has their priority budget for the wedding. Will and I put extra budget for this one. For us, wedding photos and video are one of the most important parts of the wedding day. Maybe for some people, it's too much but this is once in a life time and memories last forever. We are super satisfied with Bare Odds. They are so friendly and make us just more relax to get the best capture.

Our photographer and videographer are our friends, but they are very proffesional. Even we got our wedding day edited photo, and teaser video when I was honeymoon. They have good taste and everyone like their awesome works. Just see all photos on this blog post, it was definitely awesome, right? Thank you Bare Odds for made our Big Day was so memorable!


So many people ask me about my gown. I was design my gown by myself and my friend, pinterest. lol! I wanna a minimalism gown so I can move freely. I put some lace detail on it to make it a little vintage classic look. Based on my experience, I don't like wearing ball gown. The first reason is because ball gown is too heavy for me. Haha. But every girl is beautiful in white, just choose a wedding gown based on your bodyshape and style. 

I think "less is more" and I love simple things. I was wearing the same gown for holy matrimony and reception because and I feel so comfort with my attire during the wedding day. The difference is the bolero, make-up, and hairdo. I said to my MUA, I want a natural make-up because it's my style. I love it so much!

Make up by Kirana
Actually, my evening hairdo is not the way it has been planned, it shouldn't be like that. My hairpiece just left at hotel, so Will has an idea to put some fresh flowers (pink rose and baby breaths) from stage decoration! Thank God my husband is so creative. But the show must go on, and nobody know until I share it know, right? Hihi

The hairpiece totally match with my bouquet
Feel so comfort with this one
When holy matrimony, Will was wearing slim long tie, and he was wearing bow tie in the evening reception. Some people was noticed me wearing Keds Shoes, I didn't wear high heels. It's shoes wedding edition from Keds, and I feel so comfort. No problem it was different from usual, the most important things is you are you're confident in what you wear, isn't it?

Will's Mom and Sis Attire by Michelle Coutures | Mom and Sis Make-Up by Eunike Agusthin
Day and Night look

Hoop Bouquet, Corsages, and Boutonierre 
I want a unique bouquet, so Will and I made it ; a rustic hoop bouquet. This is another bouquet alternatives. I love this because it's easier to carry. Likewise with the corsages dan boutonnieres, I made them all based on our color pantone and style. 

My DIY Bouquet
Hand corsages for family
Decoration and Favor
Our rustic wedding decoration is handled by The Olives. The stage was just perfect and the arch was so romantic. All the details was so perfect like this is as I thought. We're really love the decoration. It made our day so much more beautiful.

Entertainments by Logics Entertainment
I didn't use dummy cake since it was made by styrofoam and it can't be recycle. So, I prefer a real cake even it not too tall. I don't mind what people say about my tiny cake, the important thing that i love it. I love the way Manise Kitchen decorated my wedding cake. I request a wedding cupcake with a fondant and flower details. Not only it was look so beautiful, but the cake was very delicious! The reason why I want a wedding cupcake because it's unique, easy to carry and it symbolyze a small steps of our journeys.

Baca Juga : Hampir Batal Nikah

Barrel Decoration by The Olives
Cake Topper by Art Press
Last but not least, Thank you for your greetings, endless love and support, it means a lot for us! Much love from the newly wedds. If you have any question, just comment below. Have a great day! 

Let's go together! Adventure awaits!

Keep in Touch
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